Tuesday 21 April 2009

Flop! 0.o

As i said yesterday i went fishing.. And caught nothing. Actually i wasn't there that long as around 20 kids on there BMX`s turned up, stripped off and started jumping off the pier right were i was fishing so that was a end to the day, fishes don't like splashy splashy!

Right! To sooth my RAGE, i think i`ll talk about world of warcraft. The new patch brought some awesome new elements to the game, one thing i like very much, and that is "duel spec". Where the hell has this been all my life! This is exactly what the game needed, its suddenly brought it back to life for me and the love that was once there has returned. No more am i stuck out of instances because they already have all there healers (i was a holy paladin), i can switch to Retribution and I'm off, DPS FTW. I was thinking about going to protection spec but i wanted to use my paladin in battle grounds and i thought i would save the tanking spec for my Death Knight if i ever decide to level him up from 79. If your wondering, 79 DK twinks are the best fun I've ever had lol, check out my well earned twink gear, http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dragonblight&n=Stonelink

My paladin will always remain my main character though, I've been playing warcraft ever since the beginning. i saw it on the shelf the first day of release and thought that looks awesome, and it was! Lots of things have changed since that day and I'm quite happy I've witnesses this ever growing world unfold. I remember the days when there was no weather system in the game, no rain, snow, or dust fell from the sky, battle ground armor was won from gaining ranks, and u gained those ranks by grinding honor every day, and if u missed a days grinding your rank would slowly fade down to nothing again. I actually started off as a night elf hunter probably like allot of people, but i got bored shortly after hitting level 60 so i started a warrior night elf. he became my main character for a couple of years and i also made a night elf rogue level 60. But i got bored of the annoying kids that wonder the streets of ironforge and stormwind. So me and a couple of friends including my girlfriend at the time decided to give the horde side a go. We was quite shocked to be honest, we thought it would be full of high and mighty players and BG nutters, but we was welcomed by some really nice people who have turned out to be great friends and we all chat on skype daily. I ran a Guild that i thought went really well, true it was more of a social Guild just for us all to hang out and talk nonsense but we all loved it. It was called Blood for Blood. I named it after a Machine Head song off there Burn my eyes album. Of course after a while there was some people that started thinking that they new it all and they thought they could run a guild better than us. I say us because it wasn't just my guild anymore i had officers (close friends) who were just as much leaders in the Guild. Anyway these self proclaimed experts decided to go off and start there own Guild and took allot of our dedicated players with them. It ruined my Guild so everyone split off into other Guilds and some started there own, and there doing quite well now to. I'm actually in a couple of Guilds run by the Lady's of my original Guild, and everyone knows the girls can run things better than us lads.

This is a picture that i made for my desktop. As you can see the center piece is Sylvannas the undead Queen. Personally i think its a great improvement from the last sylvannas model that they was using, and i actually think they should update allot of the models in the game. I would love to have this model as my character, or at least the armor lol. Dont you think its funny how we all obsess over what we are wearing IN A GAME! Ive got friends that are embarressed to be seen unless they are wearing there shiny new, freshly won epic gear. And some take the mik out of me just because i fancy walking around orgrammar in nothing but a loincloth, hey guys, if i wanna look like a n00b and walk around butt naked ruining my reputation for a day.... Actually please slap me lol. I just think what ive just said proves that there is a real world going on inside our computers, and its international. Do i really want to be international embarressed? Alot of the time the arnswer is yes unfortionately. But why do some people want to be so serious? This is a bit of a pet hate of mine because i no we are all in instances (at high level) because we want those sought after epic items Blizzard have made so hard for us to get but at the end of the day you are playing a Elf!.. or a Dwarf, or a Orc and so on. Your playing a fantasy game, if u want to be so serious why start. Im telling you now theres nothing serious about a Gnome...... The best Rogues and engineers in the game, personally i think there cockroachs! I hate the little backstabbing gits in BG, and i make a point of killing them on sight if they happen to be out and about with PVP switched on. And if they havnt got it switched on i will dance, rasp, kiss, and jump around them until they decide im annoying anoth to attack. At which time i very much like my friends to be around me so i can avoid that international embarressment i was talking about earlier lol. If you havnt ever played WoW i can imagine this blog sounding a bit alien to you, but trust me its a great game and hopefully this is a good advert for the franchise and people will not be put off by my occassional corpse camping haha.

Right i think i have talked anoth today, i`ll blog again tomorrow so keep reading if your interested in what i got to talk about. Its mostly WoW, lol. But then i thank Blizzard for giving me so much to chat about. Please if u would like to chat to me about anything send me a email daniel.quince@gmail.com, i would like to hear what you all have to say about my blog, or about any games that I've chatted about or anything! You know that fishing thing i tried yesterday before the kids turned up (a bit like kids in WoW), I'm gonna go and give it another shot today. So wish me luck!


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