Saturday 18 April 2009


Hi, this is a idea my friends had after i did a drawing of two friends i play a very popular online game with, you may no it, its called World of Warcraft. The two people that i chose for my comic style piece are called George and Jade in real life but in the massive multi player online world in which we play they are known as Elanion and Eylia.

I have always been into drawing, as a boy i was watching my father sketch and oil paint many fantasy ideas he had himself so it was obvious i was going to find some kind of interest in the game I'm obsessed with today. I remember sitting there day after day just sketching, i new at the time that what i was drawing wasn't really any good, but something kept bringing me back to the paper. I never did anything in colour either, and today i find pencil sketched drawing are more beautiful than anything else. Although my comic is in colour it started as just a doodle on my sketch book in pencil, then i thought i would play around with photoshop, a program i have grown to love. It`s everything you need to create anything! I just cant get over how good photoshop is, and i seem to learn new techniques with it every time i put the program on. Anyway, i put colour onto my sketch, I'm not keen on the finished piece as i had to draw over my sketch, very carefully with my mouse, not a tablet like everyone else would use! No i used a mouse... The amount of times i accidentally lifted the mouse and the cursor shot across the screen sending a line of black, and then having to undo my mistake, i don't no how I kept my patience, but that's the thing I seem to have this talent of loosing myself in my creation, and before i no it, its four in the morning and my eyes feel like there bleeding. So, you know how much i put into doing this very simple drawing, and why i started this blog, but what you don't know is that the title of this comic is actually the name of the Guild I'm in (Toasted). And if i get good feed back about this comic, then i may go ahead and involve a lot more of my online friends in future comics, and tell some of the tales wich have actually happened in the game that have made me, laugh out loud (lol).

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